Positive Behavior Supports - Building Relationships and Identifying Feelings (Via Zoom)

Workshop Date(s): 
11/18/2020 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
Zoom Training
Contact Person: 
Martha Nevarez
Phone Number: 
CEU Hours Qualifies for: 
0 hours (CEU hours qualifies for annual CE requirements)
IFECMH Total: 
0 hours
No seat limit.
Course Description: 

Positive Behavior Supports - Building Relationships and Identifying Feelings Webinar

Having a good relationship with children is the foundation for encouraging positive behavior. In this training we will discuss how to build strong relationships with children through intentional positive descriptive acknowledgements, clear expectations, visual schedules, and expanding on children’s emotional literacy. We will look at some visuals that support positive relationships and participants will begin to create visuals for their own use. To access and work on the handouts, participants will need a google account, which they can set up for free at https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/27441?hl=en . You do not have to have gmail to create an account.

Facilitator background: Since 2008, Susan Larkin has staffed the Inclusion Collaborative Warm Line, a call/email service that supports parents, teachers and the community in inclusion and in finding disability resources. Through the Inclusion Collaborative, Susan has also taught classes on disability awareness, adaptations, behavior, calm down strategies, sensory supports, social stories, inclusive science and math, and parenting. She has created over 100 social stories and visual supports for children and teens. Susan has 2 children, one with ADHD who is in college and one with dwarfism who is in high school. In her free time, Susan leads a Girl Scout troop for high school students. Before working at the Inclusion Collaborative, Susan taught college in the US, China, and Taiwan.



Additional Information: 

This Zoom webinar is offered for FIRST 5 Partners and other local professionals such as Social Workers, Home Visitors, Childcare and Preschool providers, Family Resource Center staff, and Therapeutic Service Providers. Parents are also welcome.

To register, please click here: https://www.php.com/event/positive-behavior-supports-for-professionals/

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NHs-fz7rQR2YtaUF_ESlRg

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