Learn How to Model as a Master Pal!
Learn How to Model as a Master Pal!
Do you work with a child or are a parent of a child that uses some kind of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) such as picture symbols, a communication book or device, or iPad with communication app? Do you wish you knew how to better support your client/child as they use that device?
Sign up for this free training to get an overview of some simple strategies and techniques to become the best communication partner possible! These strategies are easy to implement, and can be useful no matter the age of the client /child. This 2- hour introductory training on all of the strategies of the “Model as a Master Pal” program https://praacticalaac.org/?s=master+pal is a great way to get a quick overview of the strategies and help you decide if this is something you and your team want more training on.
Target audience: Offered for FIRST 5 Partners and other local professionals such as Social Workers, Home Visitors, Childcare and Preschool providers, Family Resource Center staff, and Therapeutic Service Providers. Parents are also welcome.
To register, please click here: https://www.php.com/event/learn-how-to-model-as-a-master-pal/