LD Simulation (March 5, 2013) - 03/05/2013 10:00 am

Parents Helping Parents, San Jose - Suite 100
1400 Parkmoor Ave.
95126 San Jose , CA
CEU Hours Qualifies for: 
0 hours (CEU hours qualifies for annual CE requirements)
0 hours
No seat limit.
Course Description: 

LD Simulation

Experience firsthand through this learning disability simulation* the different types of learning challenges faced on a daily basis by LD/ADHD students. A not to be missed event for FIRST 5 partners, outside professionals, caregivers, and parents too! You will emerge more sensitive and empathetic to children with learning disabilities and be better equipped to advocate on their behalf, no matter what his/her particular disability may be.
Please email zoe@php.com or call (408)727-5775, ext. 187, leaving your name, e-mail, phone number, job title/organization and the words "LD Sim on May 7th".

PHP uses Experience Dyslexia materials offered through the International Dyslexia Association.

Additional Information: 

Registration: Please email melissak@php.comor call (408) 727-5775, ext. 136, leaving your name, email, phone number, job title, organization and the words “LD sim on March 5th” 

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