How Early Literacy Impacts and Encourages Communication in Young Children
How Early Literacy Impacts and Encourages Communication in Young Children
How can you encourage language and literacy, when a child has a disability that impacts talking, or the ability to focus on books? Join Assistive Technology Specialist Debbie Drennan for this presentation on the impact of early literacy on child development as she explores: typical language development, and strategies and tools you can use to encourage communication and understanding for all children. She will also cover the six early literacy skills and the strategies and adaptations you can use to help develop these pre-reading and writing skills. Participants will walk away with knowledge of ways to adapt books and materials to make story-time and play a much more engaging experience for all children, and to encourage both language development and early literacy skills.
This training is open to First 5 partners, therapeutic and related service providers, and parents! Certificates are available upon request, indicating hours earned against the Infant-Family Early Childhood Mental Health Guidelines.
To register, please click here: