Facilitator Skills Enhancement Training: Being With Challenging Situations
Facilitator Skills Enhancement Training: Being With Challenging Situations
This workshop supports natural facilitation. Facilitators experience being okay without having expectations of what people will walk away with. There are things to do and know when facilitating that makes sitting with comfort doable. The things that are needed to do and know are:
* Connection with co-facilitator
* Being well knowledge of content
* Being clear about ways to facilitate the content using exercises to support the content
* Small and large group exercises using stories to have a personal connection to the content
* Things that spark a negative or positive reaction
* Things that I can do or say that will support my wellness when I have a reaction
* Knowing everyone coming will have a different perspective
* Use examples of the content
* The exercises used during this course supports the process of learning to sit with comfort.
OBJECTIVES: Participants will:
* Demonstrate understanding about what supports comfort in facilitating anything
* Discuss the power of knowledge
* Identify actions that are supportive in sitting with comfort
* Identify what sitting in comfort means
Target Audience: Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services staff and contract agencies.
Please register online at sccLearn
Please contact Learning Partnership if you need accommodations for any trainings at 408-792-3900.
Do you have a Grievance? Please call Learning Partnership at 408-792-3900.
***Trainer provided handouts for the training.