DC: 0-3R Overview and Diagnostic Crosswalk Workshop

Workshop Date(s): 
02/25/2016 - 8:30am to 4:30pm
02/26/2016 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Workshop Meeting Requirements: 
This workshop is available to KCN and Katie A Providers only.
FIRST 5 Santa Clara County - Community Room
4000 Moorpark Avenue, Suite 100
95117 San Jose , CA
Enrollment Limit: 
CEU Hours Qualifies for: 
0 hours (CEU hours qualifies for annual CE requirements)
IFECMH Total: 
0 hours
1 slots left.
Course Description: 

DC: 0-3R Training

DC: 0-3R™ responds to the need for a diagnostic system that accounts for the unique developmental and relational needs of infants in the context of their families. The newly revised manual offers clarified diagnostic criteria, revised diagnostic guidelines, and user-friendly checklists and rating scales. Participants will discuss the unique developmental needs of very young children and apply clinical reasoning in developing diagnoses using clinical videotapes and/or print case examples.  

CEU Hours Qualifies for: 
4 hours
Additional Information: 

Please note: If you have attended a DC:0-3R training recently, you may opt out of Day 1. Proof of participation in a recent DC:0-3R training must be provided.



For questions related to this workshop, please email Jennifer Pham at Jennifer.Pham@hhs.sccgov.org

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