DC: 0 – 3R Booster for KCN/Katie A Managers/Supervisors
DC:0-3R Training - Booster for Managers/Supervisors
The DC:0-3R is a developmentally based diagnostic manual aimed to recognize mental health and developmental challenges in young children. This training will provide the foundation to understand the contribution of relationships and environmental factors, to support careful diagnostic formulation that support effective treatment planning and interventions through the utilization of the DC:0-3R for young children birth through age 5. This half-day workshop is designed to support in the implementation and supervision around utilizing the DC:0-3R.
Please note: Registration for this training is reserved for KCN and Katie A managers and supervisors.
For questions related to this workshop, please contact Jennifer Pham at Jennifer.Pham@hhs.sccgov.org.