Could It Be This Or Could It Be That? Differential Diagnoses in Children with Behavioral Difficulties - 05/15/2013 09:00 am

Parents Helping Parents, San Jose - Suite 100
1400 Parkmoor Ave.
95126 San Jose , CA
Enrollment Limit: 
CEU Hours Qualifies for: 
0 hours (CEU hours qualifies for annual CE requirements)
0 hours
No seat limit.
Course Description: 

Could It Be This Or Could It Be That? Differential Diagnoses in Children with Behavioral Difficulties

    This intermediate/advanced-level training for FIRST 5 partners will discuss the various diagnoses we consider when evaluating young children with behavioral difficulties.  Could we be looking at attention issues, sensory challenges, autism spectrum disorder, something else?  Many disorders show “look-alike” characteristics, and several issues often can co-exist at the same time, so it is important to systematically pinpoint what is truly happening before assuming a “diagnosis” and knowing how to intervene appropriately.
    We will discuss typical development in young children (ages 0 through 5) and then examine how behavioral challenges can present.  We will use case studies, interactive dialogue and perhaps some video clips. We will examine the common evaluation processes used by specialists to help sort through diagnostic issues when conceptualizing the child, the type of information gathered, the kinds of tests administered and types of recommendations made for treatment.
The goal of this talk is to provide FIRST 5 partners with information, resources
and strategies to ensure you feel more comfortable and confident in trying to puzzle out some of the causes of  behavioral problems in young children and know when and where to refer such children/families. Bring your questions and concerns so that we can make this session interactive and better focused on your immediate needs.  Certificates of participation will be mailed and CEUs are available. 

Additional Information: 

Parents/caregivers and professionals outside the FIRST 5 network are also welcome.

Registration: Online at Click event by date, then complete questions to register.

Please contact melissak@php.comor call (408) 727-5775, ext. 136   



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