Building Blocks of Parenting (BBP) App Virtual Training
Building Blocks of ParentingTM (BBP) App
This training is designed to familiarize FRC staff with the Building Blocks of ParentingTM (BBP) App. The BBP App is an innovative tool that puts the latest knowledge of parenting and child development into the hands of parents, 24/7. It includes an easy-to-use platform that creates a community of parents and it is the only platform that uses short videos to inspire parents to be the spark that ignites their child’s learning, well-being, and success. FRC staff will be trained in the content and structure of the app and how parents can use it to support their children’s learning and well-being. FRC staff will discuss how to use the app as a tool to support their work with families.
Participants will:
- Become familiar with the different components of the app and how each of them can be used to support positive parenting and well-being
- Understand how the 6 building blocks that include strategies and activities strengthen healthy child development and promote positive parenting
- Discuss how to use the BBP App to strengthen partnerships with parents support positive parenting and well-being
Target audience: FRCs staff, volunteers, and all interested partners
***Please note that on May 20, 2021 is a BBP follow up session
To register, please click here: